![]() It has been very clear to me since the beginning of my close relationship with these beautiful miracles of nature that it is the crystal who choose their partners! You may be under the impression that it is all your decision to bring a crystal into your life, but what I know to be true is that a crystal will sense its owner, read your energy and know it is meant to work with you, and when you choose that crystal whether its because of the color, luster, formation etc it is really your intuition kicking in and sensing the connection that is already there. What has become commonplace in my crystal collecting is that I will be attracted to a crystal, decide to bring it home with me and upon doing a little research on its properties I will always come to find that its specific energies are exactly what I need at that exact time in my life. Without fail. Yesterday’s venture at the Oahu Holistic & Metaphysical Expo provided me with four new crystal companions who are a prime example of what I mean, two of which I hadn’t even planned on receiving. My first two crystals came from Joli Joli Designs, a jewelry brand and merchant of high quality crystal specimens. The shop-owner Keala is a very sweet woman who I’ve purchased from in the past and is always cheerful and easy to converse with. Her love for crystals is so obvious and endearing. As I was inspecting her treasures, I became attracted to a puffy heart shaped piece of Mookaite Jasper in a beautiful blend of red, pink and mauve. I already knew that Mookaite was used to enhance one’s beauty and revitalize the skin and as I am currently having skin issues and have gone as far as playing frequency audios for toning and nourishing the skin of the face with essential vitamins, minerals and aminos on a loop as I slept, I thought it would be a perfect addition. Upon closer inspection of the bowl I had picked it out of, I noticed another heart shaped crystal of forest green and lilac, striking and beautiful as well. Keala explained it was also Jasper (Fancy Jasper to be exact), and because I couldn’t decide between the two she ended up giving me one for free. And so one became two. Later I stumbled upon The Wise Owl’s Daughter’s booth, which also carried the most beautiful crystals. I spotted a bowl of Desert Rose Selenite and remembered at one time in the past thinking that I needed to pick up a piece, but couldn’t quite remember why. I looked in the bowl and saw a few at once that shined but I wasn’t drawn to a clear standout. As I looked closer however, there was one that was the oddball, having two rounded clumps stuck together instead of a single, and was shaped kind of like a little desert snowman, one clump being smaller than the other. My first thought was “that’s somebody”. I was curious, so I took out my phone, did a quick search and the first thing I came to find out is that Desert Roses are said to contain a spirit guardian. The coincidences are endless. I immediately purchased my little buddy and later when I decided to sit down and take a break from all the treasure hunting, I opened my gift bag and came to find that the shop-owner at The Wise Owl’s Daughter had placed a thank you gift of a Selenite puffy heart inside as well! So now I had three hearts! And a guide (: And so two became four. I was contemplating the meaning of receiving three hearts in one day, normally I go for points or raw pieces in their most natural form. Nothing is ever a coincidence though, as in the last few days I have been playing with the concept of the power of three. Repeating something three times holds great power. I’ve been blessing my drinking water three times before drinking it, have been making it a point recently to be more mindful of the holy trinity in the form of mother earth, father sky, and I the child in my divinely inspired contemplations and have been seeing repeated numbers much more often, normally three of the same repeating digit such as 444. Clearly I am meant to spend a little more time on this concept of three. Later as I researched more about my Desert Rose, I found that it is considered to be quite lucky because it is known to combine the powers of Father Sky and Mother Earth! Clearly there is something to this trinity energy I am asked to pay attention to and my Desert Rose is meant to be my guide and mentor.
I Am Kawehi. 27 years of life on this earth, steadily growing, rising and blossoming like a lotus birthing through the mud, upwards into crystal waters and then to rest atop in open air as the firey sun alights my form. I wander. I imagine. I expand and seek to understand. I see. I AM. Archives
September 2019